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Anthroposophical Fantasies

- A Streetcar Named Karma
 Format: Paperback  Author: Roberto Fox  Category: Anthroposophy, Fantasy  Reading Age: Adult  Grade Level: Senior High School  Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Publications  Published: July 30, 2019  ISBN-10: 9781948302104  ISBN-13: 1948302101  Pages: 234  Language: English  Dimension: 6" x 9"  Item Weight: 11oz  Illustrator: Celina MacKern  Translator: Frank Thomas Smith  Add to Cart

Anthroposophy, also known as Spiritual Science, is not known for fantastic literature, or fiction at all. So how can stories with titles like “Life on Mars,” or “The Girl in the Floppy Hat,” or “To Hunt a Nazi” qualify as anthroposophical. They do not – until now. Therefore, this book is groundbreaking. You may smile at times, even laugh; other stories may cause a lump in your throat, perhaps even a tear or two. Oh, and by the way, fundamentalists are advised not to partake of this fantastical frosting on their anthroposophical cake. Here, then, are thirteen provocative, groundbreaking fictional tales for anthroposophists, and really anyone, to enjoy. By Roberto Fox, as told to Frank Thomas Smith.

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Here, are thirteen provocative, groundbreaking fictional tales for anthroposophists, and really anyone, to enjoy. By Roberto Fox, as told to Frank Thomas Smith.



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